Cover Letter

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a one-page letter submitted alongside a resume that explains why you would be a good fit for the position. It provides an employer with concrete examples of your skills and gives them a sense of your ability to write a professional letter.

The Anatomy of a Cover Letter

Paragraph #1

Paragraph #2

Paragraph #3

COver Letter Templates

Click on one of the templates below and start filling it in. Don't forget to check in with Career Services for any final touches!

To start editing:

  1. Click on the icon (square + arrow) at the top right corner of your preferred template

  2. File > Make a Copy

  3. Start editing!

Cover Letter Example 1
Cover Letter Example 2

Additional information

Watch this video for more information on writing cover letters!

Now that you've learned about the basics of a Cover Letter, test your knowledge by taking this short quiz below. Once you've answered all the questions, click "View Score" to see your results.