
What is a resume?

A resume is a one-page summary of your educational, professional, and personal experiences that you share with employers when applying for a job.

Whether you already have one or are just getting started, MTW has a proven method to help young adults understand resume-building.

Activity #1.1: What is a Resume?

Build your own resume

Option 1: Build Your Resume (Google Form)

Click the button below to begin crafting your very own resume. Be sure to use an up-to-date e-mail address so that we can send you a copy of your finished product.

Option 2: Resume Templates (Google Doc)

Click on one of the templates below and start filling it in. Don't forget to check in with Career Services for any final touches!

To start editing:

  1. Click on the icon (square + arrow) at the top right corner of your preferred template

  2. File > Make a Copy

  3. Start editing!

Resume Template 1

Resume Template #1

Resume Template 2

Resume Template #2

Now that you've learned about the basics of resume-building, test your knowledge by taking this short quiz below. Once you've answered all the questions, click "View Score" to see your results.